Dear parents
Y3 pupils will visit Ponds Forge every Tuesday morning from 11th February - 15th July for swimming lessons.
For each lesson your child will need to come to school dressed in their swimwear (underneath their school uniform).
They will also need to bring the following:
• A towel
• A waterproof bag
• A change of underwear
Dear families
We are taking the Y1 children to Darnall Library to have a look at the books and listen to a story. The visits will take place on:
Tuesday 28th January, 1.40 - 2.40 pm – Y1 Aquamarine - Mrs Cox/Mrs Fazlaine's class
Tuesday 4th February, 1.40 – 2.40 pm – Y1 Pearl - Miss Najib's class
Tuesday 11th February, 1.40 – 2.40 pm – Y1 Emerald - Miss Ahmed's class
If your child has a library card please bring it into school and give it to the class teacher as the children will have the opportunity to borrow some books from the library.
The Y4 children are going on a trip to Grimm and Co in Rotherham, to create their own stories, and will publish their own books.
Your child will learn so much and have an amazing time creating their stories. Children will need to bring a packed lunch unless your child is entitled to free school meals then school will provide one for them.
The trip is being funded by school, however we do ask that children pay for the tram fare which is £2. Please can children bring this in a named envelope to the school office, and we ask parents to give consent to the trip using the Arbor app. Children without permission will not be taken.
Y4 Onyx will visit on - Wednesday 5th February
Y4 Turquoise will visit on - Tuesday 11th February
Y4 Peridot will visit on Wednesday 12th February
There is a shop for children to buy magical story items. You child can bring some money with them if you would like them to, £10 maximum, and you child will be responsible for this money.
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Y4 team
Dear families
We would love to invite parents from Y2 Sunstone (Miss Smith's) class to watch their showcase assembly on Thursday 13th February 2.30pm. The children are so excited to showcase examples of work they have done so far this term. Please come along if you can.
Dear families
on Friday 14th Friday we are having a non-uniform day to raise funds for Weston Park Cancer Hospital. If children wish to take part, they can donate £1 and come to school wearing non uniform clothes.
Dear families
The last day of half term will be Friday 14th February. School will be closed Monday17th February - Friday 21st February.
School will re-open to staff and children on Monday 24th February.
FS2 Food For Life Parent Workshop
Come and join the fun and activities at our food for life parent workshop on Tuesday 4th March at 9am in the infant hall
We will make a grow kit, fruit kebab, and you will be able to take some seeds home to start growing
We look forward to seeing you there!
The nursery team would like to invite Parents to a MEET THE TEACHERS PANCAKE PARTY to give you the opportunity to chat with your child’s teachers.
When: Tuesday 4th March
Location: Nursery building
Time: AM children 11 – 11.30am - PM children 2.45 – 3.45pm
We look forward to seeing you there!
New School Uniform for September 2024
Dear families,
In a bid to make uniform more affordable, we have decided to change our school uniform slightly. Pupils can now wear navy blue sweatshirts/cardigans either with/without the logo, white polo shirt, plain black jogging bottoms/leggings/skirts, black shoes or plain black trainers, children no longer need to wear ties.
Girls can wear a pull over type (not loose) scarf in navy or black
Interested in teacher training?@united_teaching are holding webinars every Wednesday to answer all your burning questions. Find out more and sign up: