Our Vision and Values
We want to provide our children with a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to provide the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life beyond High Hazels. This extends beyond the academic and enables children to develop and discover their interests and talents. We understand that there is more to a good education than just academic success. Our school aims to develop character, compassion and service. We expect our children to contribute to our school and to society; to try things which they think they cannot do; to persist in the face of difficulty; to become resilient in overcoming obstacles; to manage themselves; to work independently on things which challenge them; to work with others and in teams; to be courageous and caring; to lead.
We are therefore committed to providing all our children with a broad and balanced curriculum as well as cultural and social experiences that broaden horizons and support the development of character. We endeavour to support our children to develop their character – their resilience, confidence and independence – and help them to know how to keep physically and mentally healthy. We want to equip children to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society; to develop their understanding and appreciation of diversity; and to celebrate differences and things we have in common. High Hazels is family, a supportive community, where children feel safe, secure and valued, able to challenge themselves and take pride in their achievements and development.
Our approach is underpinned by a sense of moral purpose and commitment to doing what is right for children and young people, supporting colleagues to achieve excellence and acting with integrity in all our dealings within and beyond the organisation, in the interests of young people everywhere. We summarise this ethos as the best in everyone which is underpinned by our core values. Our Values of Respect, Confidence, Ambition, Determination, Creativity and Enthusiasm thread through everything we do at High Hazels Academy.
Experiences beyond the curriculum play a key role in developing respect within our school community by providing students with opportunities to collaborate, learn from one another, and appreciate diverse perspectives. Whether through team sports, our student council, performances, or volunteer work, these activities encourage communication, empathy, and cooperation, fostering an environment where our pupils understand the value of each other's contributions. By working together toward common goals and respecting individual differences, students develop a deeper sense of mutual respect that extends beyond the classroom and strengthens our High Hazels family.
At High Hazels, we develop our pupils’ confidence through a variety of wider experiences. These opportunities allow students to step outside their usual routines, try new activities, and engage with different perspectives. Going on trips or participating in clubs cultivates a sense of independence and teamwork, while public speaking, school council roles and voluntary work, provides opportunities for pupils to develop their confidence in a variety of situations, with a variety of people. Each experience encourages students to take risks, develop new skills, and challenge themselves, all of which contribute to building a strong sense of self-assurance. By stepping into new environments and embracing diverse activities, students learn to trust their abilities and feel more confident in their personal and academic growth.
We foster ambition in our pupils by encouraging personal development through a well-rounded blend of curriculum, extracurricular activities, and wider experiences. Through subjects that challenge students intellectually and PSHE lessons that promote self-awareness and goal setting, students are taught to set high expectations for themselves. Participation in clubs and activities that align with their talents and interests provides opportunities for growth, helping them discover their potential and pursue passions with purpose. Wider experiences, such as trips and interactions with inspirational speakers, expose students to a variety of career paths and life possibilities, motivating them to strive for success. By nurturing this way of thinking, and providing the tools to achieve their aspirations, we cultivate a sense of ambition that empowers students to reach for their goals with confidence.
Our personal development offer help students cultivate determination by challenging them to set goals, overcome obstacles, and persist through difficulties. Students learn that success often comes from sustained commitment and the ability to stay focused in the face of setbacks. Clubs and extracurricular activities teach students the value of consistent effort and the rewards of hard work. Our work to develop engaging, varied, and enjoyable playground activities further promotes determination, as students learn to keep going even when faced with challenges or competition. Our blended approach to developing determination through the curriculum and wider opportunities help students develop the resilience needed to persist in the face of obstacles and strive for success.
At High Hazels, we nurture creativity by offering a rich variety of experiences and opportunities that allow students to explore their talents and interests in different ways. Through our variety of clubs (including but not limited to art, music, science) students are able to experiment with new forms of expression and develop their creative skills. Visits to museums, theatres, or cultural events, along with trips that expose students to new environments, provide fresh ideas and inspire innovative thinking. By supporting these diverse outlets for creativity, we foster an environment where students feel free to explore, imagine, and create, both in and outside of the classroom.
We develop enthusiasm in our pupils by providing an environment where students are exposed to exciting and engaging experiences designed to develop a love of learning, and where they are encouraged to explore their talents and interests through personal development and a wide range of activities. The curriculum itself often integrates hands-on, interactive experiences that make subjects come alive, while visits and trips broaden students' horizons, introducing them to new ideas and cultures. By offering these dynamic experiences, we develop a sense of excitement and curiosity, motivating students to engage actively in their education and pursue their interests with enthusiasm.
Our School Approach
We teach pupils to value individual differences, helping them to build a strong sense of community where every child is respected and supported. We help pupils deepen their understanding of British values, including democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect, and tolerance. Through our Relationships, Sex, and Health Education (RHSE) curriculum, we empower pupils to recognise and manage both online and offline risks and emphasize the importance of healthy relationships.
We want our children to become the very best versions of themselves and reach their full potential. In order to achieve this, we have designed our Education with Character Curriculum which enhances our children’s skill set and builds their cultural capital, leading them to becoming well-rounded, contributing, members of society. Our Education with Character curriculum is woven throughout our academic curriculum offer and our pupil charter has been created to set out the co-curricular experiences that we believe are every pupil’s right. It is interwoven with every aspect of school life, ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for the next stage in their education and beyond.

We have created an individual Record of Achievement to track and celebrate our Pupil Charter, and this document will follow our children from Nursery to Year 6.
Each year children will:
- take part in at least one co-curricular club.
- go on a school trip.
- perform music or drama to an audience.
- represent their class in individual and team activities.
- share their views on the school through student leadership structures.
- hear from an inspirational speaker or author.
In Key Stage 1, children will:
- have a named role with classroom responsibilities.
- volunteer time to serve the local community.
- go on a school trip to a place of local significance.
In Key Stage 2, children will:
- represent the school in a sporting, cultural or academic event.
- learn a musical instrument.
- have the opportunity to stay away from home and bond with classmates on a residential trip.
- watch a professional performance, production, sporting or cultural event live at an inspiring venue or in school.
- deliver a presentation to an audience.
- volunteer time to serve the local community.
- demonstrate leadership outside their class through working with younger pupils, helping with whole-school responsibilities or taking on specific named pupil leadership roles.
- reflect on their aspirations and personal development goals with an adult in the school.
We also offer additional opportunities to develop character:
British Values

- All children are taught explicitly about Modern British Values and current affairs that are happening in the wider world.
- Weekly ‘Votes for Schools’ sessions provide children in year 6 with the opportunity to democratically vote on key topics of discussion, allowing their voices to be heard.
Educational Visits

- We provide our children with the opportunity to attend exciting and purposeful educational visits out of school to bring our curriculum to life.
- These visits provide opportunities for children to see, consolidate and deepen their learning in real life contexts.
In school Enhancements

- We provide in-school enhancements such as workshops, speakers, productions etc. that link to all areas of the curriculum.
- It is important for our children to meet and hear from professionals and inspirational speakers from all walks of life.
- We want our children to be inspired and motivated to pursue their dreams, so we ensure that we invite speakers from a range of professions: doctors, religious leaders, local businesses, academics, authors, writers, care workers, sports people, musicians etc.
Musical Experiences
- We recognise the developmental and social benefits of music for children and have therefore committed to providing each year group a high-quality musical experience in addition to their curriculum learning:
- FS1 – Winter Singalong
- FS2 – Winter Singalong & Concerteenies
- Y1 – Nativity & Music in the Round – Crucible Trip
- Y2 – End of year Production
- Y3 – Christmas Singing Festival & One Voice Singing Festival
- Y4 – Music Hub lessons (learning an instrument) & One Voice Singing Festival
- Y5 – Halle Orchestra concert & One Voice Singing Festival
- Y6 – End of year Production
Sporting Experiences

- Through LINKS School Sports Partnership, we provide all pupils in KS1 and KS2 the opportunity to take part in and represent their class/school family in a range of sporting experiences and competitions.
- We believe that this allows our children to develop new skills, meet new people, develop their sportsmanship, their teamwork and enjoy new challenges.
- These experiences are in addition to our PE curriculum & enrichment clubs. Some of the opportunities include ice skating, Dragonball, athletics, football, dodgeball, multi-sports, Skip-a-thons, cycling and fun runs.
Community Work

- To develop our pupils’ compassion and give back to our community, we have developed a relationship with a local care home: Housteads Care Home.
- A number of our Y3 pupils are taking part in Ignite Imaginations ‘Adopt a Care Home’ scheme whereby they work alongside the residents to develop new skills and create pieces of art.
Enrichment – Lunchtime and
After School Clubs

- Across KS1 and KS2, we offer lunchtime and after school clubs. These are run by teachers and sports coaches and aim to offer a variety of activities to suit everyone’s interests: cooking, football, times tables, crafts, languages, science, Lego, choir, chess, jewellery making etc.
- The clubs are driven by the children’s interests through pupil voice.
Childrens University

- To celebrate our childrens commitment to developing their talents and interests, both inside and outside of school, we work in partnership with the Children’s University.
- We encourage and support our children to track their attendance at extracurricular clubs to earn credits with a view to attending the annual awards ceremonies to celebrate their achievements.
Student Leadership Programme

- At High Hazels Academy, we value pupil voice and leadership. Therefore, we have a range of opportunities for pupils to lead throughout their time at High Hazels:
- Class jobs
- School Council
- School Jobs: Dining Room Leaders, Playground Leaders, Office Leaders, Librarians
- Subject Leaders
- Change Leaders: Sustainability & Community
- Mentors: Reading Leaders & Mental Health Champions
- Further details regarding each leadership role can be found in our Student Leadership Programme booklet.
Values Assemblies

- Our school is driven by our 6 core values: Determination, Respect, Confidence, Ambition, Creativity and Enthusiasm. These are an essential part of how we develop our pupils’ character.
- We hold half-termly assemblies to introduce each value through the lens of an inspirational person. Each week, children then discuss the value and how it can be demonstrated by them in their school lives.
Charity Fundraising
