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Y3 Tanzanite Showcase Assembly

  • 5 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 547
Y3 Tanzanite Showcase Assembly

πŸ“’πŸ“’ Y3 Tanzanite Showcase Assembly πŸ“’πŸ“’

Good morning families

We would love to invite parents from Y3 Tanzanite (Miss Al-Hamzi's) class to watch their showcase assembly on Thursday 13th June at 2.30pm. The children are so excited to showcase examples of work they have done so far this term. Please come along if you can.

πŸ₯Ύβ›‘ Y4 Visit to Peak District πŸ₯Ύβ›‘

  • 5 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 834
πŸ₯Ύβ›‘ Y4 Visit to Peak District πŸ₯Ύβ›‘


Dear Parents/Carers,

We are exploring what makes Sheffield special. As part of this, we are going to visit the Peak District and explore the national park.

During this day, the children will get to experience the great outdoors by hiking, orienteering and exploring the nature there.

The event will take place on Monday 24th June 2024 and Tuesday 25th June 2024. Please bring your child to school at 7:40 am for registration.

Monday 24th June Y4 Turquoise and half of Y4 Onyx

Tuesday 25th June Y4 Peridot and half of Y4 Onyx

Your child will need a waterproof coat, warm clothing, a hat, sun cream, a rucksack and trainers, a packed lunch, healthy snacks and a large water bottle.

If your child receives free school meals, they will get a packed lunch provided.

The cost for this trip is £10, and can be paid via the Arbor app.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Hodgkins.

We hope you are as excited as us for this opportunity,


Y4 Team

Y2 Trip to Bridlington

  • 5 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 555
Y2 Trip to Bridlington

Dear families

As part of our new topic, ‘Rivers, Seas and Oceans’ we are excited to inform you that all Year 2 classes will be going on a school visit to the seaside at Bridlington! We hope to make a memorable day for the children and further their understanding of life at sea and on coast.

The children will have a full day on the beach making sandcastles, paddling in the sea, picnic lunch and a whole year group sing song! The visit will take place on Tuesday, 16th July 2024. Bridlington is quite a distance from school so for us to get a full day at the seaside we aim to leave school at 8.15am, so please arrive at school at 8am. We expect to return to school by 4pm. If there are any delays, the office team will contact you by 3.30pm. Please make sure your contact details are up to date at the school office.

The cost of the trip is £18 per child. This covers the cost of the coach and an ice cream at the seaside. This is now available on the arbor app to consent and pay in full or instalments, alternatively you can bring your bank card into the school office. Without your contribution it may be necessary to cancel the visit.

We advise children bring a backpack with their things for the day. Please can all children bring a bottle of water (no fizzy drinks please) and a change of clothes. All children will be provided with a free packed lunch by school.

All children must wear sensible clothing and shoes. They will also need to wear a warm, weather-proof coat. Please ensure your child’s name is written in all their clothes.

If the weather is warm, they will also need to wear a hat and sun-cream to protect them. Please ensure you apply suncream on the morning before the visit and put some in your child’s bag as school staff are not permitted to apply suncream to children’s skin during the day.

If you have any further concerns or queries about the trip, we advise you speak to your child’s class teacher and check all medical information is correct at the school office.

Year Two team.

First Aid Course

  • 4 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 542
First Aid Course

🩹🩹 First Aid Course 🩹🩹

Many thanks to the parents/carers who came to our first aid session this morning, it was very well attended and very informative.

βœ‚βœπŸ–Œ Y6 Craft Sale Wednesday 5th June βœ‚βœπŸ–Œ

  • 4 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 757
βœ‚βœπŸ–Œ Y6 Craft Sale Wednesday 5th June βœ‚βœπŸ–Œ

Y6 are raising money for their enterprise project this year, so they are crafting items to sell for 50p each. They will have a stall on the school yard during lunch time on Wednesday, 5th June.

If your child wishes to buy craft items please provide some money for your child to bring to school tomorrow.

Thornbridge Updates

  • 4 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 592
Thornbridge Updates

πŸ˜€πŸ˜€Thornbridge UpdateπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Here are a few pictures of Mr Sexton's group enjoying cycling yesterday.

Everyone is ready for another day full of adventure πŸ˜€

Thornbridge - Exploring the mines

  • 3 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 756
Thornbridge - Exploring the mines

A fantastic start to our residential at Thornbridge Outdoors. Miss Field’s group explored the mines and Mr Sexton’s group have been cycling! More photos to follow. We’re looking forward to a well-earned dinner and the nightline tonight!

Weekly News - 3rd June

  • 3 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 908
Weekly News - 3rd June

Dear families

Please click on the link below to view our weekly newsletter

High Hazels Herald - 3rd June 2024

Many thanks

Back to School

  • 2 June 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 907
Back to School

🍎🍏Back to School🍏🍎

Dear Families,

We very much look forward to welcoming you all back to school tomorrow!

School is open at the usual time of 8am for Breakfast Club and 8:40am for learning.

We hope you have had a fantastic break with your family and friends!

See you tomorrow

School Closed

  • 24 May 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 1037
School Closed

Dear families

School is now closed for the May Spring Bank Break.

We wish all our families a restful Spring Bank holiday, enjoy the lovely weather.

All pupils will return to school on Monday 3rd June 2024.



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