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Year 3 Blog

NEW DATE - Parent Forum Meeting 8th March


** πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Parent Forum Meeting πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ**


Good morning families.

We were due to hold the parent forum meeting on Friday 2nd February, however due to a short term and Ramadan due to start early March we will now hold the parent forum meeting on Friday 8th March at 9.15am in the infant hall.

We have been very impressed by the number of parents who have attended the last two meetings and hope to see you all again in March. Our principal will present latest school updates, news and plans for the school year.

All welcome!

NEW DATE - Parent Forum Meeting 8th March


Y3 Swimming Sessions

Dear families,  

I am writing to inform you that children in Year 3 will be starting swimming lessons as part of their PE curriculum on Tuesday 19th February 2024. Pupils will attend school as normal on Tuesdays and will travel, supervised by school staff, via coach to the Ponds Forge Leisure Centre each week. The swimming sessions will run for 17 weeks until Tuesday 9th July 2024 and will be taught by qualified swimming instructors. The sessions are fully funded by school, and as they are part of the curriculum, all children are expected to participate.  

For each lesson your child will need to come to school dressed in their swimwear (underneath their school uniform). 

They will also need to bring the following: 

  • A towel 

  • A waterproof bag 

  • A change of underwear 

Please ensure you follow the guidance below: 

Y3 Swimming Sessions


Book Blanket

πŸ“šπŸ“š Book Blanket πŸ“šπŸ“š

Year three, have been loving our reading for pleasure activities. A precious time where children get to explore books and enjoy their love of reading. Last week, we used a book blanket to help us explore the wonderful books in our class. A book blanket is a large spread of books placed all around an inviting reading space. Such as our classrooms. What books do you enjoy reading?

Book Blanket


Book Fair

πŸ“–πŸ“– Book Fair πŸ“–πŸ“–

Dear families

We will have the Scholastic book fair in the junior hall starting today at 3.15 - 4pm. We will be selling book everyday after school until Monday 29th January.

Book Fair


Twisted Tales

Year 3 are writing twisted tales. To help them generate ideas they were given special boxes with random objects relating to a fairytales. This inspired us to tell the tale from a different viewpoint.

Twisted Tales


Ancient Egypt

Year 3 are learning about Ancient Egypt, today they were thinking like historians and digging for artefacts. Artefacts are human-made objects from a time in history. They are primary sources of evidence. We can use them to ask and answer questions about the past. In this dig we found some ancient gods and goddesses. 

Ancient Egypt


Edith Holden

Year 3 have been learning about Edith Holden. Today we practiced some of the techniques Edith Holden used in her art. Edith Holden used three main techniques to add texture, clarity and dimension to her drawings. She used cross hatching, line drawing and shading.

Edith Holden



Curriculum Newsletter

Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2 2023-2024.pdf Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2 2023-2024
Year 3  Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 2023-2024.pdf Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 2023-2024
Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2 2023-2024.pdf Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2 2023-2024
Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2023 -2024.pdf Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2023 -2024
Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2023-2024.pdf Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2023-2024
Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2023-2024.pdf Y3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2023-2024

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