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Year 5 Blog

😀😀 Letters to the headteacher 😀😀

This week Y2 completed their letters to a teacher to inform them about a disaster that happened in our classrooms!  We posted our letters to our teachers. We hope they enjoy reading them!

😀😀 Letters to the headteacher 😀😀


Healthy Eating

🍕🍕 Healthy Eating 🍕🍕

Our Y2 children completed their healthy eating topic by making a healthy balanced pizza. The children had a range of toppings and bases to pick from, the best part was eating them later 😀

Healthy Eating


🎨🎨 Y2 Art 🎨🎨

In art, we have been focusing on tone, tint and shade. We created a gradient to show progression and build up of the colour grey from light to dark.

🎨🎨 Y2 Art 🎨🎨


Book Fair

📚📚 School Book Fair📚📚

Dear families

We will have the Scholastic book fair in the Junior Hall starting Tuesday 21st January - Monday 27th January everyday after school until 4pm.

Families will be able to buy a variety of children's books. When families purchase books, school is given a cashpot to spend on books too.

Book Fair



Curriculum Newsletters

Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024-2025.pdf Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024-2025
Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025.pdf Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025
Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025.pdf Y5 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025


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